Monday, December 1, 2014

Investigators / Sharing the Gospel through Social Media

Well, we got transfer calls, and we're staying together. Yay. This week has actually been a pretty good one. We have a lot of solid investigators now, one of them has already told us he wants to be baptized. We are hoping he will come with us to Stake Conference with us this week. He is eighteen and he's friends with a member here, and he just sort of came out of nowhere and asked about the church. When we came to teach him the first lesson, he had already read First Nephi and he had already been feeling the Spirit really strongly and he knows it's true. What on earth... We're not even sure what to do with him. And this time, this isn't even a joke, he's a real live person that we met. We have a couple of other people who are pretty similar too. It's pretty nice. 

Yesterday, we had a 'fireside' that the ward council decided we needed to give at a meeting we weren't invited to. We had nine members show up. One of them was the ward mission leader who was helping to provide the technology, and one of them was on the bishopric. It was a good fireside though. We talked about how the members can use technology to share the gospel with their friends. We showed them some videos from an address Elder Bednar gave at BYU (I think it was BYU). It was really good, you should look it up.  

(I looked it up.  You can view it here below.) I just watched it this morning and I highly recommend it.  It was really really great!  It is 44 minutes long, so keep that in mind, but you won't regret it.  It would make a great family home evening lesson!  & Today is Monday!  How about that?!  -  Amy

You can watch the whole thing and it is full of good ideas for missionary work, and you should do it because otherwise the entire earth would be wasted at the second coming.(D&C 2) If we don't do missionary work, then we won't have members to perfect, and we won't have their kindred dead to redeem. It is the entire purpose of the church and of our Heavenly Father to share the Gospel (Moses 1:39) so that we can save people. If His purposes aren't accomplished, it just shows that we don't understand the purpose of God's creations. We don't understand the Creation, we don't understand the Fall, and we don't understand the Atonement. So hit 'like.' That's pretty much all it takes now. Watch a mormon message, hit 'like,' and you could save someone.



Elder Ferguson

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